Mr. Gré has more than 45 years of experience with environmental and coastal geology. He holds a B.A.Sc. and M.A.Sc. in Geology and a Ph.D. in Geography, emphasizing coastal and environmental geology. He also has a Specialization in Coastal Geology from the Université Bordeaux Segalen, France.

He worked supervising and consulting in environmental and coastal geology in many projects during his career. These initiatives positively impacted the environment, contributing to several regions of the State of Santa Catarina in Brazil.

He coordinated projects such as studies to determine the possibility of urbanization in areas subject to natural disasters and evaluating dunes migration and its impact in populated regions. Also, he supervised the execution of maps of environmental sensibility in ecological systems and geological investigations to determine the effect of the installation and operation of a submarine outfall.

In addition, he has a successful career as a professor of graduate studies at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and coordinated researches on environmental science.

Furthermore, he has more than one-hundredth of articles published in specialized magazines and procceeds of environmental congresses.

As a result of his overall achievements, he holds the award of Results Excellence from Petrobrás.

Education Summary
B.A.Sc. Geology - UFRGS
M.A.Sc. Geology - UFRGS
Ph.D. Geography - UFSC
Specialization in Coastal Geology - Université Bordeaux Segalen, France