
Geomodelle's Methodology
  • Geology review
  • Compile or digitize historical data
  • Definition of survey targets and ellaboration of survey plan (e.g. geophysical, drilling, mapping with Drones, etc...)
  • Select subcontractors, supervise and manage the survey programs
  • Evaluation of quality and consistency of data
  • Analyze and integrate data into 2D or 3D models
  • Technical report ellaboration, including all findings and recommendations
  • Geological & Geotechnical Solutions

    Geological & Geotechnical modeling solutions are services that quantify geological processes, identify natural hazards, and manage their resources. These projects have a high level of complexity and help companies to access risks, optimize resources, allow collaboration, ensure compliance to regulations, and help with analytics and reporting.

    Geomodelle goal is to manipulate geological data using the latest information technology tools to obtain answers to elucidate the complexities of the Earth.

    Domain modeling

  • Build geological models from data such as drillholes, structural geology, geophysical information, meshes, points, and polylines. Model stratigraphy, volumes, veins, and surfaces
  • Use surface trends to determine surfaces geometries and continuity
  • Model fault systems and determine their spatial relationships
  • Determine cutting relationships using surface chronology
  • Numeric modeling

    • Incorporate structural data to create geological grade domains
    • Model complex and arbritary anisotropies
    • Visualize isosurfaces defined by numerical data
    • Build interpolants and export volumes and isosurfaces between domains
    • Interpolate numeric data to determine how it varies in 3D space
    • Estimate resources such as mineralizations and rock excavations

    Block modelling

    • Determine geological limits of ore and rock types, estimating the tonnage and grades
    • Generate relevant statistics for calculations and evaluations weighted by tonnage or by volume
    • Data sets from blocks can be exported in a variety of formats
    • Interpolation

    3D Block Model

    Environmental Solutions


    There are five stages of examining a potentially contaminated site:

    1. Discover

    2. Investigate the site to confirm if the contamination exists, its location, and its extent.

    3. Definition

    4. Determine the project's scope and cost, focus on data analysis, make robust estimations in an iterative process, and incorporate more data in each step.

    5. Design

    6. Decide the engineering procedures to mitigate the problem keeping the stakeholders up-to-date.

    7. Operate

    8. Evaluate the decisions made by reviewing data and models. If necessary, resample and remodel.

    9. Restore

    10. Verify if the remediation was successful. If not, verify the strategy proposing changes or conclusion of the project if complete remediation is not feasible.

    Environmental modeling is a dynamic process. Many iterative tasks are necessary to obtain the results. Also, a 3D visualization of the site, including geology, infrastructure, and contamination distribution, is decisive to contain the pollutants and remediate the contamination. Some of the tasks required and deliverables are:

    • Exploratory Data Analysis
    • Importing and validating data
    • Domaining
    • Geological and water table models
    • Models of subsurface contamination plumes
    • Estimations of contamination and their locations

    List of Services

    Geological Geological models are performed from the analysis, interpretation and integration of data obtained from maps, satellite images, drilling, field and laboratory tests, petrography and sedimentology, chemical analysis, geophysical surveys, surveys with drones and laser scanner, stratigraphy, structures geological surveys, and field inspections.
    Hydrostratigraphics Modelos estratigráficos são obtidos a partir da análise e interpretação de dados estratigráficos e ensaios hidrogeológicos.
    Geothecnical Stratigraphic models are obtained from the analysis and interpretation of stratigraphic data and hydrogeological tests.
    Geochemical Geochemical models are obtained from the analysis and interpretation of geological models integrated with geochemical data.
    Hydrological Hydrological models are obtained from geological models and the analysis and interpretation of fluviometric and hydroclimatological data, water balance, recharge maps and estimation of renewable reserves.
    Data Acquisition
    The accuracy of 3D models depends on the quality and reliability of the data used in their creation. As a result, Geomodelle can manage the collection of these data through complementary services. These services are, for example, drilling specification, field and laboratory geotechnical and hydrogeological tests, specification of collection and chemical analysis of water and soils, geophysical surveys, multispectral and radar image processing.
    Geophysical Through a partnership with AFC Geophysics, a company established in the market for over 20 years, the following geophysical methods are available:

    • Induced Polarization - IP
    • 2D and 3D Deep Induced Polarization Imaging - ImIP
    • Vertical Electrical Sounding - VES
    • Refraction Seismic
    • MASW - Multichanel Analysis of Surface Waves
    • Cross-Hole and Down-Hole Tests
    • Gravity Method
    • Magnetic Method
    • Gama Espectometry
    • Soil Thermal Resistivity
      Borehole Logging:
    • Natural Gamma Ray Log
    • Gamma-Gamma Density Log
    • Magnetic Susceptibility Log
    • Inductive Conductivity/Induction Log
    • Flow Meter Log
    • Induced Polarization Log
    • Full-Waveform Acoustic Log (P and S waves)
    • Fluid Resistivity and Temperature Log
    • Electrical Resistivity Log
    • Spontaneous Potential Log
    • Single Point Resistance Log
    • Caliper Borehole Log
    • FLUTe
    • Cement Bonding Log - CBL
    • Gyro/Gyroscope Logging
    • Optical and Acoustic Televiewer Borehole Logging
    Through partnerships with specialized professionals and universities, the following services are available:

    • Geological mapping and bathymetric survey
    • Stratigraphy
    • Drillings
    • Determination of water table
    • Flow tests
    • Groundwater Flow Assessment
    • Sedimentology
    Mining Through a partnership with Servigeo, a company operating in mining since 2006, Geomodelle manages modeling and evaluation of mineral deposits from 3D models developed with information technology tools.